children at Sunday school


A Sunday school meets in the Church Hall for the first half of the 10.15 service, with a mixture of Bible stories, prayers and activities.

For more information, ring 01902 783 342.

picture of a baptism


Wednesday, 19 February
10.00 am:
Said Mass
Said Mass
Sunday, 23 February
10.15 am:
Sung Mass
Our main Sunday service.
Wednesday, 26 February
10.00 am:
Said Mass
Said Mass


For more information, please ring Rev. Anne
01902 784917 or
07709 616052 or email:


We aim to be a “family church” where everyone is welcome, of all ages, backgrounds and family circumstances.

The Church of the Epiphany is within the catholic tradition of the Church of England, so the Eucharist is at the heart of our worship. We follow a strong liturgical framework, but with a relaxed approach which seeks to glorify God and inspire and nourish His people. The 10.15 Sunday parish Mass is sung, usually to a modern setting; vestments are worn and robed servers assist. The service is according to Common Worship Order One and readings follow the Common Worship Lectionary. Our worship follows the rhythm of the liturgical year with an emphasis on seasons and festivals.

picture of organ stop tabs

The Church has a strong musical tradition. The robed choir is an integral and important part of all major sevices. Instrumental accompaniment is provided by the well-known Compton Organ. We still, unashamedly, use hymnbooks: currently the Complete Anglican Hymns Old & New, with supplementary material from time to time.